
Administration panel for Laravel, ready to assemble.

Quick Start Learn More


Flatpack ships with a rich set of pre-built components ready to be assembled.


Start generating a yaml configuration file and setup a complete admin UI in seconds.


Form validation, relations, custom actions, table search, sorting, and much more.

Create your own
admin panel in no time

Assemble pre-built components with simple and declarative Yaml files.

🪄 As simple as it is.

Create beautiful interfaces with just few lines. Declare your UI in tiny yaml files and enjoy the simplicity.

🙌 Just what you need.

Data tables, text inputs, rich text editors, date pickers, tag pickers, searchable select menus, image upload, toggles and more.

⚡️ Lightning fast to develop.

Made for everyone. No need to learn a new framework. Ready in seconds.
No coding skills required.

List of records in a paginated table

Quick start

Install the package via composer:

composer require flatpack/flatpack

Publish the configuration file and the compiled assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="flatpack"


Generate table and form for App\Models\Post model (example)

php artisan make:flatpack Post

🎉 Ready! Now visit: /backend/posts

Learn how to customize list and form templates. Read more